Walkers choosing correct walker

As the population ages, assistive equipment like walkers are utilized increasingly frequently. Canes are less stable than walkers. Patients are typically provided walkers to help them stay steady while walking. Walkers can reduce the risk of falls if the right kind is prescribed and patients are taught how to use the walker properly.

The standard walker does not have wheels and, therefore, it is the most stable type of walker. Patients who must support a substantial amount of weight on the apparatus utilize it. Two front wheels and two back sliders are featured on rolling walkers. They are intended for individuals with gait instability who do not require much weight to be supported by the device. The Rollator features a seat, brakes, four completely moving wheels, and frequently a basket. It is used by patients who just require a walker for balance and not for carrying weight.

Read more: https://uofazcenteronaging.com/care-sheet/providers/walkers-choosing-correct-walker/

Homepage: https://uofazcenteronaging.com/


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